gronmaster's chaotic chat

gronmaster's chaotic chat
I would like to thank chaotic insider for the pic.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hello internet I was going to post one of my friend's deck's today but he wasn't able to get it to me. So instead i am going to post my deck. It's not to good so if you can find some way to make it better please tell me!

1:Attacat tactical aide/sandstorm shroud
2:Gronmor/sandstorm shroud
3:Vlar/ozlia's wreck
4:Garv/vail of liquid thought
5:Lystone/mipedian balladeer's flute
6:karraba/mipedian balladeer's flute


earth pulse#1
fluid flame#1
vapor wipeout#1
aftermath feint#1
ice disks#2
supercooled rain#1
directed bravery#1

overworld embassy at mipedim oasis#1
pouril forest#1
the hive gallery#1
lake blakeer#1
graalorn forest#1
vidav's refectorium#2
rao'pa sahkk#2
the ocean with no water
the swartbron#1


empowering serenade#2
echoes of empty hands#1
harmonious highsong#1
battlesong of renewal#1
prelude of protection#1
harmonics of water#1
anthem of stone#1
minion's freesong#1
song of elemental attunement#1
intress' healing ballad#1
casters' warsong#1
prelude to dominance#2
surprising riffs#1

I have used this deck before and it PWND!!!!!!

so why don't you rate it love it hate it preferably the first option :)

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